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Social Media Marketing

Higher levels of fan engagement for business growth & lead generation- #1 SMM Services Company in India

Why Social Media Marketing?

Our social media marketing team has a fully tailored solid social media marketing plan in place that ensure enhanced brand loyalty, more conversion, increased inbound traffic, and positive customer experience. To achieve the targets in the right way we make use of right tools, proper management, and amazing creativity.

Increased Brand Awareness

Increased Brand Awareness

Our wisely implemented social media marketing strategy will exponentially increase your brand recognition and increase your business’ visibility. We make sure that more of your audience interacts with your content. It eventually improves brand awareness and begins building your reputation.

More Inbound Traffic

More Inbound Traffic

With our social media marketing plan we help you reach out to your loyal customer base. By syndicating your genuine and quality content on as many social media and social syndication platforms, organically enhance your business reach. By marketing efforts from Sarvang and its social media marketing team, brands can effectively open up their business to a wider audience.

Higher Conversion Rates

Higher Conversion Rates

As our efforts start to improve your brand visibility, your business gets more opportunities for conversion. Our unique and engaging social media content (blog post, image, video, or comment) entice viewers and compel them to visit your company’s website. It not only brings mor5e conversion opportunities but also personifies your brand.


Reliable Social Media Marketing Team

Our social media marketing team is second to none. From social media analysts to social media geeks, we have gems in our team who knows where your audience is. The minimum experience of our least experienced social buff is 5+ year.

Proven Social Media Marketing Strategy

Starts from setting up your social media campaign to creating and syndicating social content, we do it all with perfection. At Sarvang, we believe quality engages better than quantity. We produce social content that resonates with your audience better.

Credible Service and Transparency Ensured

All we do for your social media marketing campaigns is well documented. Our transparent social media strategy divides campaign into high-level sections and assigns specific tasks each individual in the team for quicker execution and faster results.

How Our SMM Services Work?

Brand Study and Requirement Gathering

Our social media marketing team meets client’s representative to gather information required to launch social media campaign.

Identify Target Audience

Once we get to know what our client actually wants in terms of service and campaign, we go further to explore the right audience who would be genuinely interested in their product and services.

Strategy Formation

Sarvang has in place an advance social media marketing strategy and planning. We boast of our social strategy that comprises of the most valuable ingredients for social media marketing: insights, talent and brand audience.

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